Monday, January 21, 2008


this is my life. from the top left, clockwise: my beloved bear, returning from his stay in my mom's bedroom b/c she was sick. in the background, my green bag and scarf that i use every day. then a pair of 15 pound dumbbells. i don't usually use those but i have been working out more at the gym. in the foreground is a stapler because students don't staple their homework, but fold the edges over as if that's supposed to keep the papers together. next to that is the wrapper of a clif bar i just ate, and a cup of tea i just drank. a calculator because i can't add, then a giant stack of homework i haven't graded, and finally the small, never-growing stack of finished hw.

this isn't life!!


Anonymous said...

look! bear wants hug

ck said...

dude what a cute bear

jackiechanadventures said...

chris, your bear is getting more ladies than you are.

chris rue said...

my bear is the cutest bear in the world

Anonymous said...

that scarf was a good investment.

ameejung said...

where did you get that bear?? it seriously is the cutest one i've seen in a long time