"Bought the pilot episode just to see what video looked like on my brand new ipod... it was one of the best or worst decisions i've ever made.... All told, i've watched the entire 25 episode season in under a week. I'm $50 poorer, my kitchen is filthy, and i'm pretty sure my kids have forgotten what i look like.... this is crack disguised as a tv show."
in other words, LOST sounded exactly like what i was looking for, and it delivered. by the end of the first season, i felt like i made new friends. jack, charlie, hurley, even kate. they were my buddies, and i was with them through thick and thin. when jack freaked out seeing his dad, i freaked out in turn. when something new is revealed to a character, i feel their shock, their pain, their pathos. and by the end of season three, in that pivotal, memorable, heart-breaking season finale, a part of me was laid to rest. my friends were to be saved and life was to resume... both for them and for me. here's a picture of charlie looking very rockstarish.

but some time in between christmas and the season 4 premier (yes, i watched all three seasons of lost in a week), i needed another tv fix. as much as i missed charlie, i needed new friends. something to ease the dull and painful repetition of each meaningless day. and i found it in the form of this:

lol. jkjervy:

the wire. i've heard a lot of hype about this show so i decided to watch the first season. for those of you not in the know, the wire is an HBO series that's been heralded as the best show on TV ever. it's about the drug game in baltimore and the cops that try to stop it. my favorite character is omar, the gay gangster that kills at will, snitches to the police and still manages to stay alive. and also bubbles, the junkie informant who life just hates. the street is dangerous but alive. the police though, they're a machine clogged by guys trying to get to the top.
the wire, being a tv show rooted in reality, got me thinking. how can the drug lords be so efficient and elusive, and the police system be so convoluted? how can we stop the cycle of degeneracy - through political programs, better/more cops, tougher sentencing... or through subtle detective work and grassroots work towards justice?
but the main lesson from the wire is this: stay out of baltimore. as much as i love my new friends omar and bubbles, i wouldn't want to hang out with them in real life. especially not omar. whether that's a race, class or sexual orientation issue, who knows. here he is. hi omar.
i'm excited for season two of the wire and also the next episode of season 4 of lost. i'm also excited that the writer's strike might be over, so LOST will continue. i'm excited because these are my real friends now. omar, bubbles, charlie, jack, sawyer. my only friends.
wow. did you write this entry so people can feel sorry for you?
i would feel sorry for you, but apparently i didn't make your "only friends" list... or i guess that's all part of your feel-sorry-for-me scheme, to not include any real people in that list.
and for some reason, i have little faith in a tv show that's called "the wire." (???)
i'll ignore the first two parts of ur comment but as for "the wire", maybe i should have explained what a wire is for you nonamericans. a wire, or a wiretap, is a surveillance device cops use to listen in on conversations and whatnot. it's more undercover than say, banging down doors and interrogating people... so it represents a different approach to police work. that is, using ur brains to take down a complex system like drug dealing instead of rushing to make cases against low-level guys for departmental stats.
lol and wow.
i'm sorry for doubting the coolness of your "friends"
oh chris.
perhaps you could take a break from your new friends to call back your old, less exciting friends?
just a thought.
also, i find it rather hilarious that you have the same blog templatey thing as me. (though i don't actually use mine.)
we are pretty much the same person. just different kinds of asian.
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