Friday, April 4, 2008

the worst songs to listen to when you're trying to concentrate

1) Lil Wayne - Workin Em

This is probably the most offensive song in my music library... too bad it's really catchy.  It's nearly impossible to do homework, read a book or do my prayers while listening to it.  

2) The Magnetic Fields - fido your leash is too long

most of my tunes are mellow and depressing, so when this kiddy-sounding song comes on, it always knocks me off course.  i either have to stop what i'm doing and endure the whole thing, or go through my songs and find something else to help me forget the stupid stupid intro.

3) justice - stress

"stress" was probably created to prevent people from enjoying their music.  it's sole purpose is to ask yourself why you have this song in your library, and get frustrated at the fact that you haven't deleted it yet.  but aside from those things, it's a decent song.  


ck said...

#1 - i tried listening to this while reading a friend's blog. i reread the same paragraph three times before realizing i had to make a decision. (i chose the blog)

#2 - why chris why??

#3 - stressful indeed.

i wanted to contribute to your meager list, but none came to mind... maybe because i delete songs i can't stand instead of trying to endure them. or maybe i'm just awesome at concentrating.

liz song mandell said...

you can't just sign up for twitter one weekend while in sf and then never touch it again.

liz song mandell said...


liz song mandell said...
