Thursday, July 3, 2008

a break

i'm going to take a break from the muxtapes for now as i'll be out of the country for a while. peru 2.0 if you will... i'm going to make sure that every person who rose their hands at those plaza alter calls three years ago are still going to church.

just kidding. i'm going to peru to learn about field research. i'll be helping out with economic games involving crop insurance that we'll "play" with farmers across the pisco valley. in other words, i'll be handing out cokes and taking pictures until somehow i learn enough spanish to converse.

in about a month i'll be trekking through argentina with dave pizzles. speaking of which, happy b dude.

pictures and stuff will be up periodically, i hope... adios!

1 comment:

ck said...

aww hasta la vista dudeeeee