i've got bagpipes on the mind. no, not jeff bagwell aka jeff bagpipes. i'm talking about scottish bagpipes, particularly a set played by a little girl outside my house on nice afternoons. every once in a while i'll hear the high-pitched whine of scottish melodies in my house... and lo and behold, it'll be the same little girl in the park, standing in her scottish gear playin those pipes. at first it was a true wtf moment but i guess i'm used to it.
i notice these peculiarities about my development because, on weekends, i rarely leave the house. that's pretty amazing since there's not much to do here, but i occupy myself with tv, the wire, lost and eating. and because i am eating, i feel like i'm doing something productive (that is, getting bigger). unfortunately [getting bigger] = .1[eating]^.1. actually it's more like [g]=.1[eating]^.1[working out]^.4[somehow slowing down my metabolism]^.5. cobb douglas ftw.
econ is lame. but what if i stay here an extra year, doing econ-related things? it is a possibility. i read on my friend's blog about this mit study about how having too many options keeps us from choosing the best option or something like that. that's subtly very intuitive if you think about it in terms of cost-benefit. if you choose a really good option, you could be missing out on all those other things you could be doing, and you're actually worse off than the guy who only has two options and chooses the better one... cuz his opportunity cost was lower.
ok that is all for now. i'm going to venture out to a cool cafe... one where everyone stares at you when u walk in, silently judging you. i'll fit right in.
dude. put your video camera to use! and record all the random stuff that happen in your neighborhood like that girl with the bagpipes.
actually nm... i just got the creeps imagining that. haha
your friend's take on choices... i never thought of it that way, but i think he's onto something. when i graduated from college, i felt like i had a million options.. and i ended up choosing one that probably wasn't the best. a year later, when i had like two options, i ended up choosing the better one and i'm doing fine.. in the sense that i don't regret it. but i guess if you only had two options to begin with, there isn't much to regret.. but again, that's also better than having chosen something from a million options, because the more alternatives you had, the more room you have to regret.
and if i'm not happy, that's mostly my fault for being so negative all the time. @.@
why do you think my friend is a guy? ;)
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